If I was rich, I would travel to different places to experience circus arts. Every month, I would like to do the following:

Bliss Aerial Training Camp
Date: January 11 to 20, 2019
Location: Goa, India
Link: https://www.blissaerial.com/
This camp is not for beginners. You need to have at least 2 years of aerial experience and submit your aerial videos before you can even register. The camp cost 1000 to 1200 Euros and it includes two vegetarian meals per day, accommodation, some activities and classes. There are restaurants available if the meals don’t suit you.
Festival Mondial du Cirque de Demain
Date: January 31 to February 3, 2019
Location: Paris, France
Link: https://www.cirquededemain.paris/en/
It’s not just watching amazing performers competing with each other; you can attend Club Pro where you can network, take some workshops and gather information from different circus associations. Cost of the seats will be from 25 to 98 Euros.
Colorado Aerial Arts Summit
Date: March 29 to 31, 2019
Location: Boulder, Colorado, USA
Link: http://aircat.net/Aerial/HOME.html
This is a new event put together by Aircat Aerial Arts and Boulder Circus Center. Usually, there will be a few hiccups for first-time events. However, these two schools have been running for a very long time. I definitely would be excited to go if I have the opportunity. Pricing is to be announced.
Gravity Dolls – Aerial Arts Festival
Date: April 19 to 21, 2019
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Link: https://www.trybooking.com/book/event?eid=440527
One of my teachers runs this event and I am going this year. Hooray! This festival is great for people who can handle endurance and strength because instead of booking based on the number of workshops, you pay $425 AUS for all three days. There is an early bird discount, but you need to register in the at least 5-6 months before the event.
Paper Doll Militia Aerial Retreat
Date: May 7 to 14 or May 17 to 24
Location: Crete, Greece
Link: https://www.paperdollmilitia.com/Retreats.html
I am a big fan of Paper Doll Militia’s work. To run away to the Mediterranean with them, the experience would bring me great joy. The rooms range from 1,500 to 2,000 Euros per week. Prices include meals, accommodations, classes, transportation and group activities. You get a discount of 150 Euros if you purchase two weeks.
Irish Aerial Dance Fest
Date: June 22 to July 7, 2019
Location: Letterkenny, Co. Donegal, Ireland
Link: https://irishaerialdancefest.com/
This festival is for all levels and even give you a suggested itinerary base on your level. There are even classes for kids, which is great if you are bringing a family. Packages or classes range from 15 to 770 Euros.
Les Rencontres de Danse Aerienne
Date: July 15 to 29, 2019
Location: Saint-Nazaire, France
Link: http://www.lesrencontresdedanseaerienne.com
This two-week intensive aerial dance festival is organized by Fred Deb’s team. I haven’t got a chance to meet this well-known veteran yet, but one day, I would like to learn from her. This event is a good opportunity to do so. Depending on the package, prices are from 80 to 520 Euros. I don’t know if all the classes are going to be bilingual (English and French), but I do recognize some of the teachers are English speakers.
Madskillz Vancouver
Date: August 15 to 18, 2019
Location: Vancouver, Canada
Link: http://madskillzvancouver.com/
This is one of my favourite prop festivals as you only need to pay a nominal fee (between $15 to $50 CDN) and you can take any classes from juggling to poi. It has a very chilled and fun vibe. There’s no guarantee that there will be aerials, but the people who attend this festival are very welcoming.
Aerial Edge Circus Convention
Date: Early September
Location: Glasgow, United Kingdom
Link: http://aerialedge.co.uk/circus-convention/
Many moons ago, I had attended an acro and aerial festival that was organized by EAAC (Edinburgh Aerial and Acro Convention). Back then, the team did a fantastic job organizing the festival. I would love to go to this event as it offers flying trapeze (which is rare to have in a festival). This convention ranges from 199 to 299 British Pounds for the 3-day weekend.
Awaji Art Circus
Date: Late September to Late October
Location: Awaji Island, Japan
Link: https://en.awajiartcircus.com/about_aac2018.php
It’s not an English-speaking festival, but you get to watch the outdoor circus performances for free. There’s an article about the festival in the performer’s point of view. I would go to this festival for my love for Japan and circus. This will be a good time of year to watch the leaves change color.
Aerial Sling, Silks and Rope w/ Jenn Bruyer
Date: November 2 to 18, 2019
Location: Puerto Escondido, Oaxaca, Mexico
Link: http://www.sweetretreatsdr.com/aerial-acro-retreats/
This aerial retreat runs all year round, but this year, Jenn Bruyer will be teaching in November. I would love to take two weeks off to attend her retreat. Cost of the retreat is between $1800 to $2100 USD per week (includes classes, food, accommodation, evening activities and some transportation).
Apogee Aerial Dance Festival
Date: Mid-December
Location: Seattle, Washington, USA
Link: https://www.apexaerialarts.com/aadf/
I attended this festival a few weeks ago and I really enjoyed it. I will be writing an article about this soon. The workshops cost between $50 to $150 US. I prefer this type of festival because the workshops are at “a la carte” prices rather than one fixed price – “buffet style”. Overtraining can lead to injuries. It’s good to have a festival that can give participants flexibility.