Ceiling height: 25 to 29 ft
Address: Unit 61, Cromwell Industrial estate, Staffa Road, Leyton
NOTE: The studio is now closed, but they are running programs on different location
Cost: 65 pounds – 1 hr private session
Email: welcometogravity@gmail.com
The centre is located in a warehouse in the industrial area. The rig structure is a quadralite truss system. For more details about the space, please click here.

I had contacted Yam via e-mail. She was really good at answering my emails and made sure things went smoothly. I was impressed that she even took the time to follow up after my private session. Please note that it’s best to contact a week before the private session. With so much activity going on in their space, it’s hard for them to know their schedule and space availability.
Unless you want to waste precious minutes in your private session, warm-up and cool down is done on your time. I was able to come half an hour early to warm-up. My private session was with Kevin Aaron. He was such a sweetheart. He had a terrible cold and still came to teach knowing that I was only in London for a short time. Regardless of his health, he was still very strong.
We worked on climbs and rolls. I have been fascinated in working towards rolling up the rope from a back balance. With that goal in mind, we worked on drills related to rolling and even, a drill for scissor climb. Bonus!