In Italy, it was hard finding a school that will teach students in English. I tried contacting the schools in Turin, but no one will reply to my e-mails. It would still be nice to get a reply. Finally, I got instructor referrals from other aerialists. That worked like a charm.
The main reason why it’s hard to find a circus school is the language barrier. Google ‘circus school Italy’ and you may get one school. Type the same words in Italian and you get a handful of schools. Whether these schools can teach you in English, it’s doubtful as I’ve tried e-mailing to Turin and I did not hear back from them. In addition, these schools may not be targeting students that want to do recreational circus.

I manage to get two instructors to teach me private sessions: one was in Pisa (see picture below) and the other was in Rome. I won’t give the contact information for the two facilities because both facilities only speak Italian. One of the facility wasn’t even officially open. If you would like to get the contacts of the instructors from me, please send me an e-mail at I don’t know if they will be in Pisa or Rome as they do perform in different places. Perhaps, you will be able to meet them for a private session.